The second annual Carols & Cocoa on November 30, 2024 was a huge success! The festivities kicked off with a historic “open house” walking tour. Historic Society President Jason Byrne led the large crowd to stops at the Longwood Inn, Bradlee-McIntyre House, Clouser House, Christ Episcopal Church, the Inside-Outside House, and the Historic Civic Center. After the tour wrapped, hot cocoa, apple cider, and cake pops were served by the Rotary Club, Cottage Gift Shop, and Pixie’s Magical Corner Bakery.

The evening concluded with a tree-lighting ceremony, a holiday blessing by Sanlando United Methodist Church pastor Jonathan Tarman, and singing of favorite secular and sacred Christmas carols around the tree!

At least 130 people attended the various phases of the event, with 100 being counted during the walking tour! This more than doubled the 60 who attended for the first annual in 2023. Thank you to everyone who came out: our guests, sponsors, volunteers, and museum docents.
See you next year!