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  • Peter Demens

    Mr. Demens arrived in Longwood in 1881 when he was 31 years old. He was born into Russian nobility in St. Petersburg, Russia, and his birth name was Pyotr Alekseyevich […]

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  • May 6, 1886 – Description of Longwood

    The following is from the Savannah Morning News: Your correspondent was mystified as to the points on the compass, took the wrong train, and was soon speeding in the opposite […]

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  • Demens Sawmill

    180 E Warren Ave

    The factory was built somewhere around 1880. It was owned by P. A. Demens & Company, the corporation of railroad man Peter Demens. It was located where the SunRail overflow […]

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  • Peter Demens House

    956 Bucksaw Pl

    The former homestead of railroad icon Peter A. Demens, a native Russian, was located on the northwest corner of East Lake. It is along the road now called Bucksaw Place. […]

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