This old train depot was located near the southeast intersection of Church Street and 427, immediately behind the Henck-Tinker block (former bank building, now a bar).
According to sources, it was first constructed around 1900. However, it looks very similar to the depot in the 1885 aerial drawing of Longwood, so one has to wonder if it was built closer to 1880 (when the rail line first connected Sanford and Orlando via Longwood).
To be clear, the old Longwood train depot still exists, but it’s now located a few hours away. In 1965, the depot was given to a train museum called “Trains of Yesterday” in Hilliard, Florida. It was moved there and served as an exhibit at the historic museum. However, the attraction was short-lived and ran out of funds around 1972.
The newly-founded Longwood Historic Society of 1972 announced they sought the funds to ship it back to Longwood in pieces and then reconstruct it. Unfortunately, the plan fell through.
The old Longwood train depot was sold to a family, who moved it a few blocks from its former Trains of Yesterday. They converted it into a private residence on 1.2 acres. Over the years, it has undergone extensive renovations to modernize the building. Although it has lost some of its original appearance, the bones of the original structure remain visible, and its charm is intact.

The home was placed on the market for sale in early 2024.